Austin High School Class of 1962

Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, Texas
About Us
The Class of '62 attended the
Austin High location on the corner
of 12th and Rio Grande. We were
within walking distance of the
Capitol, downtown, and the
Two thousand students, caught up in the hustle of school activities, pass through the halls
of Stephen F. Austin each day. These students are citizens of a miniature community, aware
usually of only the academic and social life of the school and not of the surrounding, larger
community. Yet the school and the city of Austin are closely related.... The impressions we
have gained, the friendships we have made, and the knowledge we have accumulated in the
community of Austin High will be carried to wider realms in the future when we are adult
citizens of Austin.
contact us
This Web site is maintained by the Class of '62 reunion committee. We meet periodically for food, fun,
and fellowship. All members of the Class of '62 are welcome to join us. Contact R
ick Gentry at for information about future meetings.
Loyal Forever
rev 9/6/2016
Austin High School was founded September 13, 1881. It is one of the oldest public high schools west of
the Mississippi and the first public high school in the state of Texas.

Classes were first held on the third floor of the West Austin School building at 11th and Rio Grande.
Due to growth, classes then moved to the First Baptist Church, the Smith Opera House, and the
temporary State Capitol.

The first high school building was located at approximately 901 Trinity Street, close to the current site
of First Baptist Church. Completed in 1900, it was called "Old Red" as a result of its red brick exterior
and red domed rotunda. Its completion was hastened when temporary classrooms held in the State
Capitol at 11th and Congress were destroyed by fire. Under the supervision of Principal James E.
Pearce from 1895-1918 and Superintendent A. N. McCallum from 1903 to 1942, the school developed
a quality academic program, includIng the introduction of one of the earliest domestic arts (home
economics) departments in the nation.

In 1925, the student body had outgrown "Old Red" and, at Thanksgiving, the high school moved to a
larger building at 12th and Rio Grande, which had previously been a junior high. "Old Red" became
John T. Allan Junion High School. It burned in a spectacular fire in 1956.

In 1975, Austin High moved to its present Lakeside Campus location on West Cesar Chavez along the
shore of Lady Bird Johnson Lake. The first day of classes at this location was August 25, 1975; the
building was dedicated on May 2, 1976. Dedication Day is now traditionally held late in each spring
semester to celebrate the students and faculty of Austin High School.
The foreword to the 1962 Comet included these thoughts: