Austin High School Class of 1962
Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, Texas
Enjoy these pictures from Class of '62 get togethers.
Jerry Tapley and Maryanna Jesse Dickens,
October 2005
Jim and Deana Bozarth, October 2005
Dinah Ledbetter Boultinghouse, Sherry Martin and
Tom Hill, October 2005
Margie Sanford and Dave Gregg, October 2005
rev. 10-15-2016
Buck Sandlin and Cathia deAnn Gantz, November 2008
Carolyn McFarland Aldridge and Dave Gregg. November 2008
Tom and Sherry Martin Hill, November 2008
Dinah Ledbetter Boultinghouse and Margie Sanford,
November 2008
Holiday Party at the Tavern: Johnny Dickens, Judy Pool, Donald Ray, Tommy Hill, DeAnn Gantz, Travis
Raven, Bill VonRosenberg, and Frank Dunham, December 2008
Jerry Tapley, Maryanna Jesse Dickens, Margie Sanford,
and Dinah Ledbetter Boultinghouse, March 2009
Mary Ann Hamilton Pyle and Kathy Young McGhee,
March 2009
When Royalty Showed Up to Dine
Without consultation, our two classmates who both claim King Henry
VIII as a distant but proud relative, showed up in costume. Forrest
Roan wore a crown and carried a kingly scepter while Carolyn
(Aldridge) McFarland came dressed looking like the current Queen
Elizabeth. Although her Corgi was currently unavailable for the
luncheon, she managed ably with a replacement although a name tag
was necessary. I don’t know if Henry VIII or his relatives were ever
photographed next to someone wearing an Hawaiian shirt, so your
scribe may have broken new ground last Thursday.
- Rick Gentry, June 15, 2015
Theo Wilkes and David Coonrod, September 2016
Drew West and Sheryl Behne, September 2016
Frank and Carolyn Lowry Avilar. September 2016
Margie Sanford and Sarah Burcham Tapley, September 2016
Remember when Red Jacket officers participated in
the opening of I-35 on March 29, 1962?