Austin High School Class of 1962

Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, Texas
contact us
The Austin High School Alumni Association has launched its Web site,  
With over 43,000 graduates, the site provides a means to celebrate the pride, traditions, and
history of Austin High as well as keep up with what's currently happening with the school and
the association. By registering with the site, you can publish your address information as well
as locate other AHS grads who have registered. (Please remember to
notify us also if your
address changes!)
Austin High today
Monthly Class Get Togethers
Join us on the second Thursday of each month at 11:15 a.m. for lunch at Molcas Mexican Restaurant,
8127 Mesa Drive, Austin 78759.  Molcas is located on Mesa Drive, between Steck Ave. and Spicewood Springs Dr.
Our group has been having anywhere from 10 to more than 30 classmates at our lunches. We hope you will join us!

E-mail Rick Gentry (  if you plan to attend so he can reserve seats at the restaurant. If you
decide at the last moment to drop in, however, that's OK too.

Enjoy more
pictures of recent as well as past get togethers. Many thanks to Rick for organizing our get togethers.
rev 5-10-2017
Austin High School
Alumni Association
Austin High School Continuing Education Foundation
The Stephen F. Austin High School Continuing Education Foundation was created in 1994 to provide assistance to
current students who may be at risk of dropping out of school due to financial hardships and to provide scholarships
for post-high school education. The foundation is currently trying to raise $50,000. Donations or pledges of $1,000 by
Memorial Day 2014 will will receive a matching grant.

The foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization which has raised over $125,000, primarily through individual
contributions, to provide scholarships for deserving students. Donations may be made by check or online through the
Web site. Marty Douglas Rosenfield, Class of '62, has been very active in the organization having served
as president and board member.

As a result of the large attendance at our 50th reunion and the generous Maroon Angel gifts, our class was able to
donate $5,000 to the scholarship fund in memory of our deceased classmates. The first Class of 1962 scholarship
was awarded in May 2013 to Veronica Zarr. Veronica graduated in the top 10% of her class and has been accepted to
UT Austin to start her quest to become a doctor. Veronica is a first generation American and will be the first in her
family to attend college. Her mother is the only working member of the family. Veronica's high school activities included
four years in marching band playing the flute, National Honor Society, Ballet Folklorico, Mu Alpha Theta (math honor
society), AHS math club, and taking AP classes since the 9th grade.
Veronica received her award from Hall of Honor
member Gerald Adams, class of 1956 and co-founder of the AHS Continuing Education Foundation.
Our Austin High School
now the home of Austin Community College
It's fun to see how Austin has grown since we graduated in 1962.
From the town that was dominated by the legislature and the
university (and very quiet when they were not in session), Austin
has evolved into a vibrant and exciting city. Enjoy the
history and
culture, entertainment venues, shopping and dining, and
recreational and outdoor activities that Austin has to offer.
Today's Austin
Jeanine and Drew West and Rick Gentry, September 2016
David Northington and Roy Smithers, September 2016
On behalf of the committee that organized our 55th Austin High School Reunion which was held on Thursday and Friday, April
6 and 7.

Yes, of course we had fun and if you were there, then you experienced it and will hopefully treasure a really good memory.

For those of you who could not make it – lived too far away, couldn’t break an appointment with your jeweler, or were traveling
in some far off exotic land – I have prepared a brief summary of events.

Thursday night we were at Westwood Country Club which is still located at the very end of West 35th Street on Lake Austin.  
We enjoyed visiting with each other and otherwise tried to figure out who was who after all these years.  Our reunion chair was
Theo Wilkes Coonrod, and she is owed many thanks for taking on this project.  Theo led a brief program about halfway
through the evening which included remembering our classmates who are no longer with us and the singing of our school fight
school and Loyal Forever.

We also benefited from all of the Austin High memorabilia that fortunately Jane Cornick Jamison had saved over the years.  
Her collection filled 7 tables with football programs, newspaper articles, and all manner of stuff that most of us discarded – or
our parents did when our backs were turned after we left home – years ago.  Thank you, Jane, for letting us take a really fun
walk down memory lane.

The food was excellent as was the parking and the golf cart shuttle to help those that needed a ride to and from the parking lot.

Friday night we gathered at Scholz Garten for casual food and beverages.  We had a private room that we filled to capacity.  
And yes, we gulped down a few cold beverages with nachos and burgers.  Hey, it’s Scholz’s.

At last count we had approximately 90 graduates attend and some 50 spouses, guests, children, girlfriends and boyfriends,
several gigolette’s, a pool boy or two and several attendees whose status has yet to be determined.  Former Austin High band
leader LaFalco “Corky” Robinson showed up and was looking quite dapper and full of his typical Robinson energy.  Corky will
turn 90 on August 27th this year.  As some of you may remember, he came to Austin High in 1961 and was well prepared for
that demanding job considering his WWII experience with the Navy School of Music and the Navy Dance Band, and his
Bachelor of Arts and Master of Music Education from the University of Texas.

We concluded this reunion in good shape financially and had enough left over to provide seed money for the 60th Reunion -
yes, your planning committee has a long-term plan.  Angel gifts enabled us to make a $1,500 contribution to the Austin High
School Continuing Education Foundation ( for scholarships.  

Be sure to email your best reunion photos to Jeannie Barcus Strange at  Jeannie will post them to the
website for everyone to enjoy.  

Finally, please let Sarah Burcham Tapley know of any address changes, email or otherwise, so that we can find everyone five
years from now.  You can reach Sarah at

Reunion Pictures