Austin High School Class of 1962
Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, Texas
The list below contains the names of classmates for whom we have no current
e-mail address, mailing address, or telephone number. Please review the list and
let us know if you know how these people could be contacted. To inform us, e-mail
Sarah Burcham Tapley at
rev 1/20/2017
Robert Alaniz
Ralph Allen
Ed Barker
Jenice Bazemore Smith
Alma Faye Boney Bickley
Gene Bounds
Ann Brandt
Carol Burkhardt Hazouri
Mary Burnett Calhoun
Patricia Butler Hagerman
Mary Clark Straus
Bill Cook
Mark Cooper
Will Cowan
Mike Daywood
Olivia DeLaRosa Rountree
Susan Dickman
Pam Drennan
Dorothy Erlanson Osborne
Karen Fries
Ronny Gaddy
Charles Gibbs
Grace Gonzales
Pete Guzman
Max Hanen
Mary Lee Hathcock
Peggy Hodge
Clarence Holmes
Trinette Hoy Marko
Andy Johnson
Bill Johnson
Harold Johnson
Sandra Joiner Talen
David Jones
Dennis Keilers
Cherry Lane Hendrix
Ella Marsh
Pat McNicholas
Linda Noe Cannon
Marsha O'Steen Williams
Julia Pacheco
Ronnie Patton
Larry Powell
Margrette Prasatik Billingsley
David Ramirez
Jo Enna Reese Docterman
Robert Reeves
Jo Ross
Blanca Ruiz
Deanna Schroeter Booher
Madeline Sharp Myers
Jim Smith
Donna Spain Motloch
Frances Spencer Ellis
Cindy Swanson Currie
Terree Taggart Rayyan
Robert Tower
Richard Truett
Jane Tucker
Pauline Villegas Castellano
Christine Walling Branham
Barby White
Gary Wiley
Ruth Wilkinson
Jerry Wilson
David Wood
Mary Ann Young