Austin High School Class of 1962

Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, Texas
In a brief program, Sarah Burcham Tapley reminded us of the importance of staying in touch and
locating our missing classmates. We remembered those who are no longer with us. Tina
McGaughey and Theo Wilkes Coonrod then led us in a resounding rendition of
Loyal Forever,
followed by
Beer, Beer. The remainder of the evening was filled with visiting, a little dancing, and
a lot of
picture taking.

Many thanks to everyone who participated and helped with the weekend's activities. We're all
looking forward to gathering again in five years.
40th Class Reunion

Many of you attended our 40th class reunion and had a wonderful
time. Here are some pictures from that event.

Tommy Hill's pictures,
page 1
Tommy Hill's pictures, page 2
Tommy Hill's pictures, page 3
contact us
rev 5-28-2013
45th Class Reunion
The Class of '62 gathered July 6 and 7, 2007, to celebrate its 45th class reunion.
The weekend began with an informal
Friday night. Saturday was
filled with activities: a
luncheon at The Tavern, an afternoon
tour of our old campus followed by
something cool to drink at The Tavern,
an evening gathering at the UT
Alumni Center for wonderful food,
viewing of class memorabilia, and
hours of visiting.
Special guests Saturday evening
included Harvey Abbett's parents,
Margie and Uhland, who, along with
Harvey, graduated from high school
with us in 1962.
Another special guest was Corkey
Robinson, our band and orchestra
50th Class Reunion
The 50th class reunion of the Class of '62 was held April 20-21, 2012. We
had over
265 in attendance!

Activities began Friday morning with
Dedication Day at Austin High School.

They continued Friday evening under a Texas sky at
Serrano's at Symphony
Square where classmates and guests mingled and enjoyed a Mexican buffet.

Band and orchestra members, and anyone else who was so inclined,
gathered for lunch Saturday at Cafe Express.

The evening event was a buffet dinner at the
UT Alumni Center. The program
began with a video of Austin from "our" days.
Sarah welcomed everyone and
passed the microphones to Julie Valentine and Kathy Young McGhee who
gave an entertaining verbal snapshot of our class based on directory
responses. After recognizing those who are no longer with us, Tina
McGaughey and Theo Wilkes Coonrod led us in "Loyal Forever" and our
"Fight Song." The evening concluded with an attempt at a class picture, lots
of visiting, and hopes that we would reunite in five years.

More 50th reunion pictures are available