Austin High School Class of 1962
Stephen F. Austin High School, Austin, Texas
Visit Austin!
Whether you've been gone fifty years or have lived here fifty years, it's fun to experience Austin as a
tourist. In addition to reminiscing at old sites (if they're still there), have fun with some of the new places to
visit in Austin. Absorb history, enjoy music from rock to classical, view art, shop at eclectic as well as
upscale venues, and eat!
Send us suggestions of your favorite things to see and do in Austin. And check frequently to see what your
classmates enjoy here!
rev 5-28-13
Visitors' Information and Tours
The Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau maintains a website of what's currently going on in
Austin as well as area attractions, restaurants, and hotels. Their Visitors' Center is open every day from
9 am - 5 pm in the historic Grove Pharmacy Building at 209 East Sixth St. Its gift shop includes Austin
and UT souvenirs as well as the annual Austin Music CD.
Other sites that offer information on current events are:
Austin Duck Adventures offers a fun narrative tour of Austin that ends with a splash in the lake.
Tours and tickets are available at the Visitors' Center, 209 East Sixth St.
Austin Overtures offers a 90 minute tour of Austin and the hill country as well as specialized tour
packages. Tours depart from the Visitors' Center, 209 East Sixth St.
For the more active members of our class, consider a segway tour of Austin. Check out SegCity and
Gliding Revolution (which also offers bicycle and kayak tours). These are not recommended for
children under 12, so leave the smaller grandkids at home.

Check back often as we add more things to see and do in Austin. Many thanks to Kathy Young McGhee
and Dora Page Tweed for their contributions.
State Capitol
The Capitol Visitors Center is located at 112 E. 11th St. (southeast corner of the Capitol grounds) in
the restored 1856-57 General Land Office building. The three-story castle-like structure is the oldest
state office building in Texas. The Capitol Visitors Center offers a variety of exhibits on Texas history
and the Capitol.
Taller than the US Capitol, the Texas State Capitol and Capitol Grounds are one of the most
popular tourist attractions in the capital of Texas. The State Capitol was recently refurbished and
returned to its turn-of-the-century appearance. Be sure to visit the new underground extension on
(rather, under) the north wing. If it's a nice day, stroll among the many statues around the grounds. One
of our favorites is the whimsical set of Texas schoolchildren on the northeast side of the grounds,
especially when real children are playing with them.
The Texas State Library and Archives, 1201 Brazos St., houses the genealogy collection, Texas
State archives, and reference documents collection.
Parking is available at the Visitor Parking Garage located in the lot bounded by San Jacinto, Trinity,
12th St. and 13th St.
Historical and Cultural Attractions
The Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum, 1800 N. Congress Ave., features three floors of
exhibits, special effects theatres, museum store and cafe, and an IMAX theatre. Parking is available
under the museum building.
Just across MLK, on the University of Texas campus, is the Blanton Museum of Art. In addition to
special exhibits, it maintains a permanent collection of European, Latin American, American, and
contemporary art in a beautiful new building. Across the mall is the museum's gift shop and cafe. Park
at the Bullock Museum or at the UT garage east of the Blanton Museum.
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum is also located on the UT campus at 2313 Red
River. Permanent and special exhibits, as well as lectures and speakers, provide a view of our history.
Free entry and free parking.
The Harry Ransom Center, 21st and Guadalupe on the UT campus, contains more than 100,000
works of art, including a rare complete Gutenberg Bible and the world's first photograph. You may be
lucky enough to have our classmate Kathy Young McGhee as your docent when you visit. Park in the
Dobie Center garage at 21st and Whitis or on various suface lots nearby.
The Texas Memorial Museum is located at 2400 Trinity St. (UT campus) and provides a view of
prehistoric life, rocks and minerals, and Texas wildlife. Parking is available in an adjacent UT garage.
The Mexic-Arte Museum is located at 419 Congress Ave. and features works that have a connection
to Mexico and Latin America.
The George Washington Carver Museum, located at 1165 Angelina St., is the first neighborhood
museum in the state dedicated to African American culture and history. The museum provides
permanent and featured exhibits, classes, programs, and cultural events.
The Austin Museum of Art is now primarily located at Laguna Gloria, 3809 W. 35th St., although
some exhibits may appear in downtown venues. Check their website for current events. Parking is
available on the Laguna Gloria grounds.
The O. Henry Museum, located at 409 E. 5th St., offers a view of the life of the short story author
William Sidney Porter while he lived in Austin. Located in the house in which he lived, the architecture
and contents reflect life in Austin in the 1890s. Check their website for hours and parking.
The Texas State Cemetery, 909 Navasota St., underwent a major renovation under the watchful eye
of the late Lt. Gov Bob Bullock. He installed a flag pole high enough that it could be seen from his
office in the Capitol and ran a highway down the middle of the property in order to get federal funding.
Don't think this is a bustling highway, though. The speed limit is 10 mph and I've never seen a car on it.
Enjoy beautifully landscaped grounds and visit the graves of legendary Texans, including our
classmate Paul Ragsdale. The current chair of the State Cemetery Commission is Scotty Sayers, an
AHS grad from a few classes after ours.
The Umlauf Sculture Garden and Museum at 605 Robert E. Lee Road, adjacent to Zilker Park,
features the sculptures of Charles Umlauf (many are on the UT campus also). The indoor and outdoor
facilities encourage the understanding and appreciation of sculpture. Check their website for hours
and try to arrange a docent's tour to really appreciate the art works.